Columbia Union News

Story by V. Michelle Bernard

Harold L. Lee, president of the Columbia Union Conference from 1998-2006, passed away this morning.  

"We have lost a thoughtful, contemplative leader who gave to our union, during administrative tenure, a positive trajectory in establishing outstanding governance. His legacy continues to make a contribution in providing guidance and governance support for many of our healthcare institutions," says Dave Weigley, Columbia Union president.

Born in Wellsburg, W.Va., his ministry in the Seventh-day Adventist church spanned some 40 years and included time pastoring several congregations, including his first congregation in the Allegheny West Conference in Ohio.  

Kenny Eliason/Unsplash

Story by Stephen Payne

The Association of Adventist Colleges and Universities (AACU), which is composed of the presidents and other top leadership from 13 Seventh-day Adventist colleges and universities in North America, reports the latest consolidated enrollment numbers for 2022.

Gordon Bietz, executive director for AACU, shares, “At our latest meeting in October 2022, the AACU presidents from North America voted to make some of this most recent data public to inform and engage our key stakeholders and constituencies.”

Attendees and guests at the first women clergy retreat in the Columbia Union

Story by V. Michelle Bernard with reporting by Lori Futcher

Taking a pause from their busy schedules of juggling preaching, managing ministries and nurturing family and friends, some 50 clergy from across the Columbia Union Conference gathered at the Columbia Union Women Clergy Retreat this week.

Columbia Union Treasurer Emmanuel Asiedu; Columbia Union President Dave Weigley; and Columbia Union Executive Secretary Celeste Ryan Blyden; lead the Columbia Union Conference Executive Committee Meeting

Story by V. Michelle Bernard

Members of the Columbia Union Conference Executive Committee met today to discuss the union’s recent accomplishments and mission projects. 

Jerry Lutz, Chesapeake Conference president, shared the devotional thought, reminding attendees of the real reason for ministry.