Columbia Union News

Pathfinders from Chesapeake Conference's Westminster Pathfinder Club participate in the 2023 Columbia Union Pathfinder Bible Experience. Image by Nate Hochstetler

Images from Shane Hochstetler

Pathfinders from 41 teams across the Columbia Union Conference participated in the union-level Pathfinder Bible Experience (PBE) on Sabbath at Blue Mountain Academy in Hamburg, Pa. Twenty-seven of those teams placed first and will continue on to the April 21, 22 division level event in Tampa. 

Allegheny East: 

Emmanuel Asiedu, Editorial, Bold Blessings

Editorial by Emmanuel Asiedu

When I arrived to the United States as an international student in 2004, I was faced with a financial challenge. How would I pursue my education with so little money in my pocket? In God’s infinite wisdom, He had already provided the answer for me, found in Ephesians 3:20: “Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us” (NIV). Claiming this promise, God provided immeasurably more money than I ever thought was possible, and I graduated debt-free thanks to the generosity and prayers from my friends who helped me along the way.

Columbia Union's Jose Esposito at January 2023 evangelism meeting in Cincinnati

Story by V. Michelle Bernard

Churches and members around the union continue to place special emphasis on evangelism in their churches across the Columbia Union Conference. (We'll share several stories highlighting this throughout March and April)

José D. Espósito, assistant to the president for evangelism at the Columba Union who participated in more than eight of the meetings since last fall, notes the common denominator that drew visitors.