Pennsylvania Conference

Image by HugoAtaide on Pixabay

Story by Pennsylvania Conference Staff

Public evangelism doesn’t always work if it’s simply done as a stand-alone event. However, public evangelism done as part of the cycle of evangelism is still highly effective.

“Churches who purposefully practice the cycle of evangelism on a yearly basis have successful evangelistic series and are consistently growing,” says Yves Monnier, Ministerial and Evangelism director. “These churches do not do a lot of haphazard church events throughout the year—then remember to do an evangelistic series every so many years. No, these churches faithfully do activities that connect them with the community and build momentum leading to regular public evangelism, the harvest, year after year.”

Pennsylvania Conference, prayer

Story by Shawn Shives

“When God’s people pray earnestly, sincerely, individually, and collectively, God will answer. Great things will happen in and among God’s people. And the world will feel the impact as the Holy Spirit comes to equip and empower His people. ... We have come to serious times. Events in our world call upon every follower of Christ to be totally in earnest in our relationship with God. ... We must learn the power of prayer” (Ellen G. White, Prayer, p. 3).

image of books by Luboshouska on Pixabay

Story by Natalie Lilly

The Pennsylvania Conference recently welcomed Johnathan Ryan to serve as the new coordinator for the Publishing Department. Ryan is directing a literature evangelism program for high school and college students to enrich their faith and earn money toward their Seventh-day Adventist education.

Students are equipped with books like Ellen G. White’s The Great Controversy, The Desire of Ages, and Steps to Christ, along with materials on healthy eating to sell door to door. Proceeds from the sales are matched by the student’s school, doubling their earnings; these monies are applied to their tuition.

Pennsylvania Conference, evangelism, 120 in 2020

Story by Natalie Lilly, Communication Intern

God is on the move in Pennsylvania. When COVID-19 impacted the “120 in 2020” plan to hold 120 evangelistic meetings during 2020, the evangelism team simply moved those scheduled meetings to 2021. Those events grew from 120 to more than 135 prophecy series by the end of the year—the highest number of evangelistic seminars in a single year in the conference.