This Month's Issue

Jessica and Quincy Sims were photographed at Arsenal Park in Pittsburgh by Jared Wickerham/AP Images

For many people, the internet and social media are platforms to show an idealized version of themselves and rack up likes, hearts and emojis. But when Jessica Sims and other members bravely shared their struggles with the realities of life, they found meaningful connections, heartfelt prayers, much-needed support and opportunities to witness.

Story by Tompaul Wheeler

Brian Tagalog photographed Jose Cortes Jr at Transformational Evangelism.

People love Jesus because Jesus loved people," said José Cortes Jr., associate director of Evangelism for the North American Division Ministerial Association, at the Columbia Union Conference's Transformational Evangelism event. "Our problem isn’t with our message… But we need members who are filled with the love of God and the compassion of Jesus."

Watch more presentations from Transformational Evangelism here.

Brian Tagalog photographed Emil Peeler at Columbia Union Conference's Transformational Evangelism Conference.

"You have people coming each week and sharing their most precious non-renewable resource each week--Time.  Everything [in the church service] should be done with planning and purpose," said Emil Peeler, senior pastor at the Capitol Hill church in Washington, D.C., at the Columbia Union Conference's Transformational Evangelism conference.

Brian Tagalog photographed Bill McClendon at Columbia Union Conference's Transformational Evangelism Conference.

Talking to pastors at the Columbia Union Conference's Transformational Evangelism event, Bill McClendon, vice president for Administration at the North Pacific Union Conference said, "You aren’t the one to do all the work of ministry, you’re called to lead an organization of believers and charge them to do ministry for the Lord."


Click here to see more presentations from the event.

Photo of Carlton Byrd at Transformational Evangelism by Brian Tagalog

"We are living in a post-modern post Christian society," said Carltom Byrd, Speaker/Director of the Breath of Life Television Broadcast, at the Columbia Union Conference's Transformational Evangelism event. "The trends are going to continue downward even though we can make statistics look however we want to look."

He also added, "If our system continues the way it is and we don’t have the growth we need to have, the system is not sustainable. So God told us to go. But more than that, we’ve got to go because it isn’t sustainable."